We have a number of small groups who meet for Bible study, prayer, fellowship and refreshements. You would be very welcome to join up even if it is just for one session. Our groups, which generally meet fortnightly include:
Our enquirers / confirmation class starting on Monday 13th January at the Rectory, eplxoring the basics of the Christian faith. (please call the Rector on 01787 310 845)
A group that meets opposite the Bull hotel in Long Melford on Tuesday Mornings at 10.30am. This group will be using the Lectio Divina pattern of meditative prayer (please call Jenny on 01787 379 370).
A group which meets at the Black Lion pub in Long Melford at 7.30pm which will giving an overview of the Bible. (please call Jean on 01787 828 104).
A group that meets in Shimpling on Thursday Evenings at 7.30pm which is completing its overview of the Bible and will then study a range of Christian topics, sometimes using the York Courses. (please call Charlotte on 01284 827 008)
Please also note that our Tuesday Morning Prayer also includes fellowship, Bible study and prayer.