The General Data Projection Regulation (GDPR) which came into effect on the 25th May 2018 sets out the key principles that all personal data must be processed.
- Data must be: processed lawfully, fairly and transparently; collected for specific, explicit and legitimate purposes; limited to what is necessary for the purposes for which it is processed; accurate and kept up to date; held securely; only retained for as long as is necessary for the reasons it was collected
There are also stronger rights for individuals regarding their own data.
- The individual’s rights include: to be informed about how their data is used, to have access to their data, to rectify incorrect information, to have their data erased, to restrict how their data is used, to move their data from one organisation to another, and to object to their data being used.
To this end the Parish has a GDPR policy which covers many areas of parish life. This is reviewed by the PCC each year and amended as appropriate.
If you have any questions or concerns about your data please contact the Rector.