Congratulations if you have recently got engaged; we hope that you will be blessed in your life together and that you will in turn be a blessing to others. Holy Trinity is one of the grandest settings in the country in which to have a traditional wedding, and the locality also boast numerous excellent reception venues - indeed in some cases we may be abe to provide you with a reception venue ourselves.
We do appreciate that finding a date for a church and a reception are very important aspects of planning your special day (and sometimes stressful ones). We often get asked by couples whether they can get married here if they do not have a 'legal connection'. The answer is yes - by attending regularly it is possible to get a qualifying legal connection, though we would normally expect nine months' notice.
We appreciate that the cost of weddings is often alarming. Whereas it is possible to have all the 'bells and whistles' at Holy Trinity, it is also possible to have a lovely wedding here costing significantly less than £1,000.
In light of the considerable number of weddings each year we have a weddings administrator; if you want to explore getting married at Holy Trinity please contact Vicky for an application form; please also ask her about dates, qualifying connections, costs, reception options, and any other questions (
In order to help you think about your future life together, we encourage all wedding couples to spend some time meeting with someone from our marriage preparation team. This will usually involve one meeting and the completion of an on-line questionnaire. This should be fun and we hope that couples value the chance to discuss things away from the pressures of organising the big day!
For more general information about church weddings please visit the Church of England Website.